viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

the world tuning

The Tuning like pastimeit is not a massive fever, but a popular tendency that propagated at world-wide level from the same invention of the automobile. It is easy to be conceited that, with the invention of the car, the same passion by the speed was born and the unique way to reach more speed is modifying the components produce that it. 

 The cradle of the Tuning has been  Europe   (mainly in Germany, Italy and Great Britain) but for a few years, Japanese and American they have been put in the head of this liking. A great amount of magazines, publications, pages Web and other massive mass media, have obtained that tuning obtains world-wide reach.
In summary: Tuning is called the applied modifications to the cars for performance and yield that originally they own of factory in all aspects: aerodynamics, design, aesthetic, sound, etc. All this, without forgetting the aesthetic part since a car tuneadohe becomes unique, and in that it goes the personal touch that the imagination of each user (and the pocket) allows him

Inner Tuning
The parts that more usually change inside a car are: pomo of the gearshift, the steering wheel, the seats and, which never can lack in a car tuneadoand it consists by itself of a category: the system of audio.

As far as the sound, the loudspeakers and the system of sound proper are fundamental. (CD, MP3)

Outer Tuning
The outside is the most visible part of a car tuneado, for that reason it is where the users put more persistence and where the cars are different more. One begins almost always by the rims, generally of 17. Soon it is the turn of the painting, that sometimes changes and other times it decorates with drawings and ploters (giant and customized transfers).

For later they are the spoilers, bumper and taloneras, those that usually modify or, directly, to replace by showier others. In some countries and regions it is not allowed, but always they are well the polarized glasses (black).

Motor Tuning
The motor, heart of any car, is the object more taken care of by the lovers of the Tuning. All the fact in the interior and outside of the car can be in background from the modifications realised to the motor. Most common it is to mount in him kit of direct admission, which allows to gain in power and exit.

Also filters, System of escape, spark plugs, means, shock absorbers, valves, brakes and, in the most modern cars, Chips to increase the power of the car improve (or directly they change).

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